(Originally from the Newsletter sent to our subscribers in March 9, 2022)
I want to share a tool with you that I personally found to be very powerful in helping me maintain focus on all things that are important to me. So what is this incredible tool? I make daily affirmations of commitments to myself based on my goals, priorities and values. Since the beginning of January, I have been focusing on a few of my commitments and made really good progress within these areas in my life because of this daily practice. There are a few topics I'm focusing on:
Prioritizing health
Aligning with my higher self & my life mission
Investing in relationships
These are some of the daily commitments I am making in these areas:
I commit to improving my physical health by sleeping better, exercising, eating better, and quality rest
I commit to managing a work schedule that empowers my well-being. This means generally working less and having boundaries so I prioritize improved health
I commit to improving the quality of my most meaningful relationships
I commit to strengthening my energy practice so I can better align with my higher self and empower others better
These affirmations are helping reprogram my subconscious and everyday I'm making small tweaks to my life to help get to my goals. Here's an example of my progress: I've been working out at least 3 times a week with my trainer - we had some hiccups and our gym was flooded by a faulty fire sprinkler. It's been undergoing repairs for the past 2 weeks. And the old me would have just thrown in the towel. I talked to my trainer and we are training in the courtyard now until the gym is back fully functional. Another example: I've started cooking and eating healthy again. Nelson and I also use this time for bonding and quality family time. We sometimes call our family while we cook. So we are working on 2 commitments in one go - working to strengthen the relationships and prioritize our health. It's never too late to start your daily affirmations. And affirmations are a great way to stay engaged and make progress towards your goals.
When you start your transformation journey with us at The Mind Spa, we are empowering you to uncover your potential and achieve your goals. Through this, we hope you use your authentic expression to connect deeply with our world. Together we will uplift our communities and improve our world.
With Warm Regards,